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FreeSoft - is one of the most popular directories of freeware and shareware software in Runet. We can download only legal software.

Our portal exists and is constantly evolving since 1998.


WE DO NOT PLACE: JS-codes, links, teaser ads, all kinds of & quot; pop banners & quot ;, rich-media, etc., advertisements contrary to the laws of the Russian Federation, as well as advertising of various methods of easy money. The same applies to various ways to monetize wap traffic, mobile traffic, download traffic - we do not do this, try to access sites with appropriate illegal topics. We act strictly in accordance with the law and common network ethics.

Gentlemen, managers of ad networks, we work only with Google Adsence and Yandex Direct.

We also ask you to get rid of requests & quot; send statistics & quot; or & quot; put on trial & quot;.

We only work on a prepaid basis.

Updated November 21, 2018


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